Case Study – Knipper (Pharmaceutical)


J. Knipper Company, a New Jersey-based health care solutions company, sought to construct an FDA and DEA certifiable warehouse facility to distribute samples directly to physicians, sales representatives and consumers
Jeffersonville, IN was a prime location logistically due to the close proximity to the UPS World Port and several major interstates


The Knipper facility required state-of-the-art security, telecommunications, material handling and redundant systems


Crossdock worked closely with the J. Knipper Company to determine their specific needs in order to build a technologically advanced pharmaceutical distribution center
Crossdock installed more than 100 censors, which constantly monitor climate control, and a back-up power system capable of providing four times the power for half the cost
The Knipper facility also utilizes a cross-dock infrastructure and integrated conveyor systems to quickly and efficiently store and move product for shipping


The J. Knipper Company was able to streamline their distribution for more than 80 pharmacy companies by consolidating three of their facilities (from ease to west coast) into the new facility


The facility offers high levels of efficiency allowing the J. Knipper Company to ship over 3.5 million packages a year

Company Name: J. Knipper Company

Industry: Pharmaceutical Distribution

Location: Jeffersonville, Indiana

Size: 312,600 sq. ft. expandable to 412,000 sq. ft.

Facility Highlights

  • FDA & DEA certified building 1st round inspection approval
  • 5,000 sq. ft. (400+ pallets) of temperature-controlled product storage
  • Space planning for employees and call center
  • Full battery of “pick to light” flow racks allowing capacity for over 2,500 SPUs
  • Integrated conveyor systems
  • Cross-dock infrastructure for rapid sorting, combining, and redistribution of bulk product and materials
  • Consolidation of three facilities
  • Site grading and utilities designed for future expansion
  • Prototype building for future expansion

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